Pricing and valuations on land for sale at Secret Beach can sometimes be hard to find. Data is not consistent and is often outdated.
There is no digital public records system, or MLS system showing the buying and selling prices of land in Belize. We have put together a comprehensive video guide on Understanding land values at Secret Beach. Click the link above to watch the video on our YouTube channel. (And please subscribe too!).
So how do you find comparable sales data on land?
The most effective way is to get this list of all the real estate agents in Belize and start connecting with them. Each office will have different sets of listings. We have put together a list of real estate agents in Belize that you can download here – complete list of real estate agents in Belize.
If you want to put in the extra effort to find the best deal possible on land at Secret Beach then follow the steps below.
Start with Manual research.
- Searching public websites to see listing prices based on location.
- Contacting real estate agents with land listings in your desired area.
- Speaking with attorneys and title companies.
- Connecting with property appraisal services.
- Connecting with local investors and property owners who are investing in Belize.
- Like all land, the market demand and the location of the property are what will determine its value.
Begin with a web search.
Finding land for sale in Secret Beach starts with looking online and performing searches to see what you get for results. Use the search terms “land for sale in Secret Beach” or “land listings in Belize,” Etc. Make note of the listings:
- Location
- Asking price & terms
- Property features and ammenities
Tip: a great website to start with is called – They have a large inventory of land listings for sale and it’s a great place to start but it’s not enough to end there. Many of the listings are not updated frequently and the information can be out-of-date.
The main reason for using the Point2 website as a starting place for your Belize land search. That reason is point number 2 above which is:
Contacting Real Estate Agents in Belize.
The Point2 website is a great way to find local Belize real estate agents to connect with. Make note of all the agents who have had listings of land for sale in the area your’re interested in.
Contact them about the land if you’re interested but the main reason for connecting with a local real estate agent is so that you can get an updated inventory of the listings they do have available.
Becuase there is no MLS in Belize, it means that each real estate office will have very different listing inventories from one another.
It will be your job to start making lists and contacts of land parcels and agents who have land listings so that you can develop a relationship and an understading of what the pricing looks like in each area. Get the complete list of real estate agents in Belize.
How to know if land at Secret Beach is a good value?
Many factors will affect the market pricing of land at Secret Beach.
- Location
- Road Access
- Elevation
The biggest factor affecting your land value will be its proximity to the waterfront of Secret Beach, and what kind of road access it has.
Waterfront land at Secret Beach is great but if there is no road access or proposed road access. It may not have the same value as other parcels that do have road access. Making improvements to your property in Secret Beach can be expensive and time-consuming.
If you don’t have direct road access then making improvements to the property will be more challenging.
Elevation is another factor that can affect the value of your land. Because Secret Beach is a low lying area on a Caribbean island, even slight variations of elevation can make a big difference.

How does elevation affect value?
The elevation changes quickly too. A parcel of land in one area can be considered “high and dry” and another parcel only a few hundred feet in anther direction can be completely submerged. This will affect your value due to the fact that any site work that needs to be performed can become more expensive due to the amount of backfill that would be required.
Elevation also changes the type of landscaping that occurs on the property. Having a high and dry property will often have more tress and vegetation and is usually seen as having a higher market value.
How to get the best price on land at Secret Beach.
Finding the best price on land at Secret Beach can be a bit of a treasure hunt. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, there is no MLS system in Belize and many of the real estate offices are not in cooperation with each other as they may be in the US and other places.
This means you have a network of listings that are not located in any centralized location. So to find the best values you will need to connect with multiple real estate offices to discover what they have for inventory.
Every Seller is Different.
Every seller of real estate has a different reason for selling their property. Some may just want to list their land and see how much they can get for it. They are OK with having their listing sit for months if not years just waiting to get their price.
Other sellers may be highly motivated and need to sell quickly. Obviously as a buyer you are trying to get the best price possible. You are trying to find the more motivated sellers. But they may not announce themselves to the world. So how do you find them?
Finding motivated sellers
The only way to know if a seller is motivated is to ask. This is where the real work comes in. As a buyer looking for the best price on land at Secret Beach you will need to start making offers on land that you are interested in. We suggest a three step process for finding motivated sellers.
- Connect with real estate agents and see what they have for inventory when it comes to land listings.
- Identify listings that you are interested in.
- Make offers.
Making offers on land is really the only way to discover if a seller is motivated. Sometimes the agent may have insight as to the motivations of their client. But for the most part, you won’t know until you ask.
If you are hesitant to “low-ball’ sellers; don’t be. It’s all part of the game. It’s also how you will find the best deals on land. Actively making offers on multiple properties will give you the most options on buying opportunities.
Retail Market Pricing
When you go on sites like point2 homes and when you speak with real estate agents. The pricing you will see is standard retail pricing. Some sellers are asking higher prices and some are offering more attractive prices.
To know if you’re getting a good deal you would need to compare other properties near your property with similar characteristics. But with no public record system this can be challenging.

Check the asking prices.
If the price of your land is similar to the asking prices of other comparable lots in the area, then it’s a good indication that the land is priced at market rates.
If it’s way below other listing prices, the land is either an out of date listing (often the case) or it’s a good deal. If it’s a potentially good deal be sure to reach out to the listing agent right away and get more info.
Don’t be surpirsed if you don’t get an immediate response. Many agents in Belize don’t monitor the listing portals or check email as often as we might hope. But keep digging. Try to get an office number, a cell phone number or WhatsApp number that you can reach out to.
Don’t be discouraged
If you have made multiple attempts with no response, it’s likely that property has already been sold or is no longer available.
The land market in Secret Beach and throughout Belize is a thriving marketplace with many transactions all taking place at all times. The way to find the best deals on land in Belize is to follow the suggestions in this article.
If you want our help in finding the best land deals we can provide you with assistance as well. Contact us directly and let us know you want to find land for sale in Secret Beach.